9 mistakes you're making that are ruining your eyelashes

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  • Your eyelashes protect your eyes.
  • You may not give your eyelashes much thought, but there's a good chance at least one of your everyday habits is detrimental to the strands surrounding your eyes.
  • Eyelashes act as a protective barrier to your eyes, preventing irritation or infection from foreign objects or moisture.
  • And even though you likely forget they're even there, it's so important to protect them and keep them in tip-top shape for the health of your peepers.

You likely give very little thought to your eyelashes, especially if you don't wear makeup. But even though you hardly remember they're there, eyelashes are actually a pretty important evolutionary feature — they protect your eyes from irritation or infection from foreign objects and moisture. Yep, your lashes help protect your delicate eye area from the elements, including pollution, dirt, and pollen in the air, as well as the chance for foreign objects to enter your field of vision. Ever had a gnat fly too close to your face? It's your lashes that likely protected you from the little bugger getting all up in there.

If you wear makeup or try trendy lash treatments, you might unknowingly be damaging your peepers without even realizing it. Here are 9 mistakes you might be making with your eyelashes.

You're obsessed with waterproof mascara.

You're obsessed with waterproof mascara. Long-lasting formulas can stiffen eyelashes.
For beauty lovers out there, waterproof mascara is a lifesaver. It lasts longer than non-waterproof formulas, so you can easily go from day to night with your eye makeup looking flawless. But if you've ever tried to remove waterproof mascara, you know it's certainly no walk in the park, often requiring excessive rubbing and scrubbing to get every last lash clean.

Celebrity makeup artist Kate Stromberg said that you might want to save your favorite waterproof mascara for special occasions, because daily use can stiffen lashes, weighing them down and drying them out, thus increasing the chance for breakage.

Stromberg explained, "Over time, vigorous removal can tug and pull on your lash line, causing them to weaken and break. Instead, opt for a tubing mascara containing flexible polymers which require only warm water to remove."

Even better? Give your lashes a break by going makeup-free as often as possible. Your lashes will thank you.

You're using expired eye makeup.

You're using expired eye makeup. It needs to be replaced every two to three months.
Yes, makeup does expire, even if your favorite products still look great in their packaging months or years after you purchased them. And if you haven't done a thorough clean-out of your makeup bag lately, you're likely using some pretty questionable products near your sensitive eye area.

Expired mascara is particularly bad due to its liquid formula. Liquids increase the chance of bacteria growth, in turn potentially introducing your eyes to infection, while also causing your lashes to weaken, or worse: break off. And every time you dip the brush into the tube, you're further upping your chances for infection.

So how often should you replace your eye makeup? Experts agree that mascara should be tossed after two or three months. Same goes for anything liquid or cream-based, including eyeliners and shadows. It's better to be safe than sorry, no matter how expensive your favorite products are.

You're sharing makeup with your roommates.

You're sharing makeup with your friends. Be cautious with in-store samples, too.
The bottom line is that you should never share makeup with anyone, and you should be especially careful when using in-store samples. Sharing makeup seriously ups your risk for infection thanks to how sensitive your entire eye area is.

You may think swiping on a pal's mascara before a night out is no biggie, but you could unknowingly be sharing more than those bombshell lashes when you head out for the evening. If your pal has had a recent eye infection, or if the mascara in question is old or expired, there's a good chance you're exposing your lashes to some seriously icky bacteria.

You're sleeping with makeup on.

You're sleeping with makeup on. This can clog your pores and dry out your lashes.
After a long day, the last thing most of us feel like doing is cleansing our faces before hitting the sheets. But dozing off before removing all traces of the day's makeup is a one-way ticket to breakouts and clogged pores ... but your peepers aren't safe, either.

Wearing mascara overnight (with your face pressed against the pillow) further dries out lashes, a no-no since the lash root is already especially delicate. Use a gentle makeup remover method that works, whether you're a fan of wipes, pads, or a cleanser, and use it every single time you wear makeup. No exceptions.

You're rubbing your eyes.

You're rubbing your eyes. The eyes are too delicate to rub.
Since you've already heeded our advice and stopped sleeping with makeup on, you now need to be extra careful in how you're removing that glam smokey eye. For starters, rubbing your eyes is extremely irritating to your entire eye, but especially lashes, as you can accidentally rip some of them off. You should generally avoid touching your eyes as much as you can (and never before washing hands with soap and water!), but you should also avoid rubbing, tugging, or pulling at lashes. They're extraordinarily delicate, and if you're experiencing itching or irritation, chat with an optometrist or your doctor to find out what's causing the itchies and how you can clear it up ASAP.

You can't remember the last time you cleaned your makeup brushes.

You can't remember the last time you cleaned your makeup brushes. Disinfect your beauty tools at least once every week.
Dermatologists and makeup artists agree that your brushes, sponges, and beauty tools should be thoroughly cleaned at least once a week… but be honest, how often are you really doing that? Regularly cleaning your makeup brushes removes product buildup and bacteria, ultimately protecting your lashes. And yes, you should also clean your applicators while you're at it, including your mascara wand and eyeliners. There are plenty of great brush cleaners out there, but good old soap and warm water works, too. Whatever method you'll actually commit to — just do it. Your skin — and eyes — will thank you.

You're using an eyelash curler wrong.

You're using an eyelash curler wrong. Only curl your lashes before applying mascara, and stay away from the root.
Eyelash curlers are the perfect tool to give your lashes that little extra "oomph," making your eyes pop in a way that plain old mascara can't. But even though a curler is a handy little tool, you've got to use it properly to protect those peepers.

It's crucial to use a lash curler before applying mascara, and to hold it away from the root. According to professionals, if you're using eyelash curlers, then you must use them correctly — before you apply mascara and not too close to the lash rim. This will damage the eyelash cuticles and cause lash breakage. Some pros don't recommend using lash curlers at all, because of how easily you can rip out those gentle strands. But if you're going to use one, avoid heating it up with a blow dryer.

It might be a trendy beauty hack that claims to open up your lashes even further, but using a blow dryer near your eyes or a heated lash curler just leads to potentially burning lashes, weakening or even burning them.

You're removing false lashes the wrong way.

You're removing false lashes the wrong way. Loosen the lashes with a Q-tip and oil-based cleanser.
False lashes are great for when you want to look like a Kardashian for the day, as they instantly amplify your look and give those mile-long lashes we all dream about. But if you've ever tried to apply them yourself, you know how tricky they can be.

Between the glue getting everywhere and the intense precision it takes to get them on, it's no wonder that taking them off is even more of a challenge.

You'll want to use as little glue as possible, because too much glue just sticks to your eyelids, hardening and then potentially weakening your real lashes. A few pro tips: never sleep in them, never just rip them out, and gently use a Q-tip with an oil-based cleanser to loosen the lashes.

You should gently pull from the middle of the falsie outward to protect yourself from serious damage. Also, don't use heated eyelash curlers on them, because their synthetic material can — quite literally — melt falsies onto your skin, clogging pores and making them next to impossible to remove.

Make sure to store falsies properly if they're not the disposable kind, and don't share them with anyone.

You're trying trendy lash treatments.

You're trying trendy lash treatments. Eyelash treatments involve chemicals. 
There's no shortage of cool new products and treatments designed specially to give you lush lashes, but be wary of things like lash tinting, lash extensions, and serums designed to help them grow.

Lots of these new lash innovations expose your lashes and eyeballs to chemicals, which may not always be safe for the health of lash hairs and the skin around them. Even if they are safe, you could develop irritation or an allergy to certain ingredients, causing way more trouble than it's worth.

Be sure to thoroughly research any new products or treatments before you try them, and always go to a trusted expert for any beauty or skin-care procedures. You should do everything you can to protect the integrity of your eyelashes, even if it means being extra cautious as a result.


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